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FEB 2021

greetings from the berkshires!

hey folks,

greetings from the berkshires! it’s been a minute since i’ve encountered this much shivering this often and i’ve certainly never heard my name spoken with such frequency. i am in williamstown at williams college for the semester as the levitt artist-in-residence.

it’s a strange time to be doing a residency…teaching classes in person…in a campus bubble. heartburn was very much a reality for me in the weeks prior to my move.

alas, they seem to do it well (more on the williams college covid testing machine). my nose is very clean, tested twice weekly and the students are prevented from going very far from campus (i was provided with a map with a very thick red line marking where students may roam). the faculty go on walks with each other to bond, all the rooms on campus are marked with occupancy and flow restrictions and i live in faculty housing so lovingly encased with 60’s wood paneling which is at once very quiet and very groovy.

a pandemic residency isn’t actually so different. i’m finally able to sit and really think about my projects, something i really haven’t been able to do with all the.... here, i average a whopping 5 seconds per day on Hospes, my stop motion film. this past year has been…i guess, too tangible in too many ways. over the last few weeks, i’ve finally felt more like myself than i have in a long time.

this year…i guess i’m still foolishly optimistic. optimism has been keeping me warm as i slosh back and forth from the studio in so much wintery gear, i’m practically one of those ridiculously smug preppy people in an ll bean catalogue.

stay well.

w/ love


other stuff from this year:

TSA_PDF 018: Conversation Pieces curated by Rose Van Mierlo and Brooke Tomiello February 1 - 28

Featuring work by John Ros & Stephanie Williams, David Mramor & Greg Potter, Marina Kassianidou & Ian Weaver, Anna Tsouhlarakis & Nekisha Durrett.

Stand4 Gallery and Community Art Center is pleased to present A Degree of Uncertainty, an invitational small works exhibition and fundraiser. Exhibiting artists include: Audrey Anastasi, Tatiana Arocha, John Avelluto, Jeannine Bardo, Fiona Buchanan, Tanya Chaly, Sophia Chizuco, Ellen Coleman Izzo, Jaynie Crimmins, Magdalena Dukiewicz, Magali Duzant, Lorrie Fredette, Joanie Flickinger, Isabelle Garbani, David Gitt, Kristin Harris, Anna Hoberman, Anna Lise Jensen, Murat Cem Mengüç, Anthony Randell, John Ros, Elena Soterakis, Beth Steidle, Stephanie Williams and Joshua Willis. A special thank you to all the artists for helping to support the gallery and our community.


Visiting Artist, Art and Humor Course, Art Department, Williams College, Williamstown, MA

Visting Artist, Studio Seminar, Goucher College, Baltimore, MD


2021 DC Commission on the Arts & Humanities Fellowship Grant, WDC

2020 Fellowship/Production Grant, Saul Zaentz Innovation Fund, Johns Hopkins University, Baltimore, MD


2020-21 Arthur Levitt, Jr. '52 Artist-in-Residence,Williams College, Williamstown, MA


Resident, Sculpture Space, Utica, NY

Resident Fellow, The Corporation of Yaddo, Saratoga Springs, NY


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