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Upcoming Shows:

"Strange Bedfellows" Sponsored by Washington Project for the Arts

Curated by Blair Murphy

October 17 - November 23, 2014, Opening: October 17, 7-9pm

@VisArts located: 155 Gibbs St, Rockville, MD 20850


Monday - Tuesday: Closed

Wednesday - Thursday: 12 noon to 4:00 pm

Friday: 12 noon to 8:00 pm

Saturday - Sunday: 12 noon to 4:00 pm

The notion of intimacy is simultaneously idealized and fraught. It describes human relationships, acting as a metric of the physical closeness, emotional bonds, or personal knowledge shared by two people. It can refer to the accumulation of knowledge about complex topics or–as in the phrase intimately aware–a familiarity with difficult truths. Though we strive for it, it can be difficult to achieve and painful to sustain. It provides us with unbelievable joy and immense disappointment.

Strange Bedfellows will explore intimacy in its various incarnations, approaching the topic from a variety of angles. What do we expect from our closest relationships and how have those expectations changed over time? How are knowledge and intimacy intertwined? How does technology impact the way we build connections and what we expect from relationships? How do we build deep knowledge of other times and places? How do our political and civic institutions cultivate closeness (or, alternately, distance)?

COMING 2015: SPARKPLUG Collective GROUP SHOW @ Gallery Affero

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